Look how you think that my mystique is a round of applause

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a way with words-written, not spoken. I have always liked  reading. I have always liked ...

First post.

For as long as I can remember, I have always had a way with words-written, not spoken. I have always liked  reading. I have always liked the potential that comes with it -you get to picture the characters, picture the scenes , give characters different voices- all from your head, fascinating right? Thing with books is that we can all read the same book but none is able to picture the scenes nor the characters same as the other no matter how good the authors descriptive capabilities are. 
If the author describes a beautiful woman, I will always picture mine with a small mole on her upper lip and she will always show her soul through her smile -to me that's true beauty, to another person they'll look totally different, that's the power of reading, that has always intrigued most.  

The millennial hub is a project, no call it a hobby, a means to an end-to hone my skills as a writer and to improve my view of the world.

Look around, explore, a comment will be appreciated.